Lending Library Meet ups

This gallery contains 14 photos.

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting a Lending Library meet up. This is different than our regular monthly babywearing meetings because it allows our members to come, try some carriers we have in our library and play a … Continue reading

The Men of Babywearing Calgary: Father’s Day Edition

Happy June! With Father’s Day fast approaching, perhaps you’re scrambling for a present for the special dad, grandfather, uncle or brother in your life. But instead of giving him yet another kitschy tie or pair of sports socks to wear, why not give him something far more wonderful to wear: a baby! That’s right, babywearing isn’t just for ladies (though gentlemen, if you missed the chance to give a Mother’s Day carrier or wrap, it’s never too late!). This blog post is devoted to the strong, caring, supportive, and – dare we say it? – sexy men who babywear in our city.

When we asked the members of Babywearing Calgary to share photos and stories of the babywearing men in their lives, boy, did we ever get a positive response! It turns out that men love wearing their kids just as much as the mamas do, in everything from Kinderpacks to Kokadis. Below, read our profiles of six babywearing dads and learn about what they like to use for babywearing, why they do it, and their best advice for other dads this Father’s Day
Babywearing Fathers in Calgary

Babywearing Papa #1: Christopher

Dad babywearingWhat do you like to babywear in?
SSC’s (soft structured carriers) – but I’m still looking to find the perfect fit.

When do you like babywearing?
Whenever mom is out on a mom’s night out, or when mommy has her hands full (Author’s note: I think most moms would agree this is pretty much all the time!)

Why do you like babywearing?
It gives me both my hands free.

Can you share a memorable babywearing story with us?
One day I took all three kids to see Kung Fu Panda, and my oldest son didn’t want to stay, so I left. I had one child in each hand and the baby in the carrier and all these people kept commenting on how good of a dad I was. I just wanted out of there!

Any advice for other men who want to start babywearing?
Find a carrier that fits you well.
And Christopher’s parting words…he wanted to add that he didn’t understand how the pieces of cloth that we buy are now a hundred-dollar industry (should we tell him the going price for an Uppymama? Probably not!).

Babywearing Papa #2: Rob

dad babywearingWhat do you like to babywear in? 
I like a Boba or a mei tai (his wife wrote in and said that he’ll use a wrap if she wraps it for him).

When do you like babywearing?
When we are out, when we are home and a kid needs to be worn…anywhere and anytime, really!

Can you share a memorable babywearing story with us? (as told by Rob’s wife)
Recently I (Rob’s wife) came home from a day out to see him (Rob) walking down the sidewalk with our almost four-year old and almost two-year old… chasing the toddler like a total goof. He explained that I had all of the carriers he knew how to use in my van (oops!) so he let the little guy walk (run). When I asked him why he didn’t drag out a stroller, he said “because that’s not how we roll!”

Babywearing Papa #3: Denis

dad babywearingWhere was this picture taken?
This is me (Denis) wearing our son Roanan and carrying our son Kian, while hiking in Banff.

What do you like to babywear in?
The Toddlerhawk, because it’s easy to use, and the Maya Wrap ring sling, because I can get the baby to sleep in it and then easily transfer him to the bed without waking him up.

When do you like babywearing?
Whenever my wife is at work and I have all three boys on my own.

Why do you like babywearing?
I like it because it’s much easier than pushing a stroller around, and it works as a comforting tool whenever their mama is not around.

Can you share a memorable babywearing story with us? (as told by Denis’ wife)
He (Denis) once said to me, “I don’t know why you call it the Maya Wrap. It should be called ‘MY’ wrap!” – because he likes it so much!

Any advice for other men who want to start babywearing?
Babywearing is a life saver when your wife isn’t around and you have to put a baby to sleep while taking care of your older children!

Babywearing Papa #4: Steve

dad babywearingWhat do you like to babywear in?
My favourite for a long time was the Boba, but now I am loving our full-buckle Bamberoo. I also babywear in stretchy wraps, mei tais, size 7 wraps, and ring slings if that is what’s close. I even have a Starry Night Raven (an Oscha wrap) on preorder!

What’s special about babywearing in your family:
Sharon (Steve’s wife) sent us beautiful photos of how babywearing has been a tradition in her family for several generations. From her own father babywearing her, to Steve enjoying bonding with their son, to male relatives (a 16-year old uncle and a grandpa) getting in on the babywearing action, there are a lot of babywearing men in Steve’s crew!

Babywearing Papa #5: Kurtis

dad babywearingWhat do you like to babywear in? 
I use the Boba and the Babyhawk – generally I like the Boba better, and I like not having to tie it, plus I like the hood on the Boba.

When do you like babywearing?
I babywear to go out for a walk or going to the store…also it’s a great way to put Max (our son) to sleep. Currently I am wearing Max daily, or almost daily, as I’m the primary caregiver.

Why do you like babywearing?
It soothes the sleepy or sleep-fighting baby, and it’s more convenient than a stroller on the LRT.

Babywearing Papa #6: Aaron

dad babywearingWhat do you like to babywear in? 
I like using our Bambino, and also the Ergo. Babes in Arms helped us pick it, as we are sturdy types and it is easy to use. Back carries in the Ergo are great for me, as I had back surgery last summer and weight on the front isn’t great for me. (Aaron’s wife wrote in and explained that Aaron has generously supported her financial habit of procuring carriers over the years – they’re now on baby #3! Now that is one awesome dad to celebrate this Father’s Day!)

When do you like babywearing?
We coach rugby, so we wear our little man at practice and games to keep him happy and safe – plus it is great bonding time when we haven’t seen each other all day! We also like to hike – we haven’t trekked out this year yet, but Waterton is in our future.

Why do you like babywearing?
I feel like a badass hands-on dad when babywearing! (Aaron’s wife and the rest of us ladies couldn’t agree more!)

The following photographs were submitted by members of Babywearing Calgary and show the proud papas in all their glory.
Babywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in CalgaryBabywearing Fathers in Calgary

By Caitlin Walton & Kate Rhodes

A very special thanks to the following members of Babywearing Calgary who were kind enough to submit photos and share stories of the babywearing men in their lives: Alisha B, Amy W, Angela B, Brooke M, Dawna Z, Elizabeth P, Freya P, Heather G, Heather K, Jené W, Jennifer M, Kaylee R, Krysten Anne, Laura H, Lindsie B, Maja M, Melissa F, Melissa R, Morgan C, Nikayla R, Sarah Louise S, Sasha S, Sharon D, Summer L, and Tara S. We couldn’t have done this without you!

Strike a Pose

Hellloooo Calgary!!

As we announced in our last blog post, Babywearing Calgary is now on Instagram!  The nature of Instagram is photo sharing… which brings us to this post.  We would love to showcase the members of Babywearing Calgary (and global babywearing community really) on our feed, so if you have some babywearing pictures you’d like to share, please e-mail them in to babywearingcalgary@gmail.com.  Of course we will give due credit as well….

Or if you have an Instagram account, just tag us @babywearingcalgary on your picture and let us know we can use it!  We will then repost it and tag you in the repost.

We also need pictures for this blog!  Specifically we are looking for winter babywearing pics at this point, but we can use any babywearing pictures really.

Thanks so much, and Happy Babywearing!

Taking Social Media by Storm

Babywearing Calgary has been around a while (since 2006 actually)… so we’ve got all the typical social media presences…. like Facebook, Twitter (not active currently though… we got bored with twitting)… and the rockin’ old school Yahoo group.  All we we’re missing in that list is MySpace.  Well, the latest social media program to rock the world is Instagram.  If you haven’t heard of Instagram, it’s an app you can get on an iPhone, iPad, iPod, and now Android as well!  It’s basically a photo sharing app, where you take pictures and share them with the world (or not.. if you choose to have a private account).  You can tag people, comment on pictures, and basically just have a lot of fun.

Well, I {Andi} have a personal IG (short for Instagram, consider yourself in the know *wink) account, and thought it would be fun to introduce Babywearing Calgary to the IG world.  So there you have it, Babywearing Calgary is now on IG!  If you want to see some behind the scenes photos of Babywearing Calgary and all things related to babywearing, please search us up on IG.

Here is a little sneak peak of a couple pics already uploaded.

The picture above is of one of the woven wraps we got donated to the lending libary, and I am just softening it up.  😉  This carry is a double hammock with a double lexi tie.


Testing another carrier with a monkey on my back… This one is an Ergo Performance.  Things sure have changed since I bought my first Ergo.

If you are on IG, please follow Babywearing Calgary.. and also tag your pictures with the hashtag #babywearingcalgary and tag us at @babywearingcalgary!  We are looking for babywearing pictures to share with the world, so if you have any, please send them to babywearingcalgary@gmail.com or tag us on IG.

Also, while you’re at it.. look up @carrythem.  Absolutely stunning babywearing pics.

Oh wait… don’t have an iPhone or Android?  No worries!!  You can stalk our pictures on Statigram from your computer!

Thanks for visiting our blog, maybe we’ll see you on IG as well!  🙂  xoxo