International Babywearing Week Picnic

Last week (for International Babywearing Week) we organized a picnic to take place at Prince’s Island park.  Of course, and to no surprise, it snowed the day before.  We opted for our indoor location, which was at Eau Claire Market, and carried 🙂 on with the event.

It was really great to connect with some babywearers and bond over the notion that we all share this child rearing practice.  Here’s the thing about babywearing… it doesn’t matter what else you’re doing in parentland.. you will bond and connect over the things that you have in common with other mothers, and in this case… it is babywearing.  It is a middle ground, a practice that crosses the “parenting style” barrier and creates community among a huge group of people who may not have formed a community otherwise.  I love that about babywearing.  Of course I love finding my “parenting style” tribe, but I also love the babywearing tribe, it gives me warm fuzzies

So of course there was a Chinook (in true Calgary style I suppose) on the Friday after we already decided to head indoors, but it still worked.  People came and went over the course of the 3 hour event, wearing their babies, wearing their toddlers, and just generally happy to connect.  I’m going to say it again, I love that.

Here are a few pics from the event…


This is the mei tai that Jen was wearing… it is so beautiful I just had to snap a shot of it.  Also, for the record I like to play with photo filters, so basically nothing to true to color on this post.  😉


And here is the same mei tai in use!


Here we have V, S, and C.  That’s right, I’m being uber sneaky and not actually putting names here, it’s a privacy thing.  This was the first time I {Andi} met these ladies, and I have to say… it was a pleasure.  So happy they could join us!!


I love this pic… you know.. the moment Jen looks up and realizes I have a camera phone pointed at her, hahaha.  I mean, babywearing in action, who wouldn’t take a pic?!


I love this pic as well.  This is V with her little one on her back in a mei tai.  This was the first time she had babe on her back, and I was actually quite surprised to see how easily and naturally she just scooched (yes, it’s a technical word) her babe back there and tied him in.  It’s not always easy, but she was really comfortable with it, which always makes it easier.  Now she just needs to wear a high bun and get a babywearing necklace/teething necklace to keep little fingers out of her hair!

Again, thank you ladies for coming out to the Babywearing Picnic, we hope to see you all again very soon!  Just a reminder, the next Babywearing Calgary meeting is this Sunday from 10-12 at Made by Momma.

And until next time, Happy Babywearing!