Babywearing Calgary & The Elizabeth House

Over the past few months Babywearing Calgary has collected generous donations from our wonderful members. These donations were then taken to The Elizabeth House to be donated while our wonderful admin team gave some lessons to the young women and fit them with a carrier to suit their needs.

The Elizabeth house is a non-denominational residential program for at-risk pregnant or parenting youth and their babies with little or no supports and needing a safe place to live.

At Babywearing Calgary, you’ll find a lot of our members feel that carriers are a must have with a baby. Some of us can’t imagine life without one.

An update from our admins Emma and Tanya:

There were a number of moms, with children if various ages. We spoke with them about the benefits of Babywearing, and safety, then introduced them to the various carrier styles. One momma started out looking a little unimpressed and a bit frazzled. We talked about how to use a Soft Structured Carrier (SSC) and she became a lot more interested. She was so excited and couldn’t believe she got to keep it! The best part was watching them delight in the face to face connection the carriers brought. Several others were over the moon with the Mei Tais they chose (a popular choice). All in all it was a great night. Thank you all for your donations and work in this!!

We can’t thank our members enough for all their generous donations. We truly hope that the mom’s we’ve helped will continue to babywear and experience the benefits.